[ENVEX 2022] Participated in the 43rd International Environmental Industry Technology & Green Energy Exhibition > GREENTECH News

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[ENVEX 2022] Participated in the 43rd International Environmental Industry Technology & Green Energy Exhibition

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Writer ADMIN Date22-12-29 16:47 Hit1,047EA Reply0EA


​We participated in the International Environmental Industry Technology & Green Energy Exhibition held at COEX, Seoul from June 8th (Wednesday) to June 10th (Friday), 2022. About 250 companies from 20 countries attend, and 1,000 overseas buyers and 40,000 visitors are expected to attend, and it is the longest held environmental technology & carbon neutral exhibition in Korea. In particular, the Minister of Environment also visited this exhibition. Greentech also worked hard to explain the product.

Through the "Small and Medium Business Purchase Consultation in the Water Industry", consultations were promoted with the actual owners of the institution and environmental companies. It also served as a good opportunity to promote the excellent technology of our Greentech pumps to prospective buyers in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.






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