Participated in VIET WATER 2022 exhibition in Vietnam
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Writer ADMIN Date22-12-29 16:54 Hit852EA Reply0EAText
"VIET WATER 2022", the largest exhibition in Southeast Asia, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for three days from November 9th (Wed) to November 11th (Fri), ended successfully. Various products related to the water industry such as sludge facilities, wastewater treatment systems, instruments, valves, tubes, filters, and water quality monitoring systems were exhibited. Greentech jointly entered the Daegu Pavilion, held export consultations for three days, and actively exchanged by participating in Korea-Vietnam water industry cooperation seminars. It was a valuable opportunity to be recognized for its technological prowess as Greentech was also in charge of the axis of the Daegu water industry that was developing in the world.
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