SUBMERSIBLE GRINDER PUMP(GSG) > For underwater applications

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- For transfer of filthy water & wastewater
- For Mediation pumping stations in town sewage arrangements
Detailed Description

Design & Structure Feature

- Pulverizing type impeller, which is made of special chromium alloy steel, installed to pulverize and transfer strings, clothes, plastics.
- Bipolar, quadrupolar motor used by flow water and total head
- Motor protector built-in (option)

Standard Specification


Total Head
GSG 0.75T 50 0.75 8 0.1
GSG 1.5T 1.5 10 0.1
GSG 2.2T 2.2 17 0.15
GSG 3.7T 3.7 20 0.2
GSG 5.5T 80 5.5 20 0.25
GSG 7.5T 7.5 25 0.3
GSG 11.0T 11 30 0.35
GSG 15.0T 15 35 0.4
GSG 22.0T 100 22 40 0.5


* Depending on the order specification, Pole number, Total head, Capocity changes can be dramatic.

Sectional Drawing / Selection Chart


    Part No.       Part NameStandard Material
101 Pump Casing GCD450
117 Stator Fnishing Prodoct
162 Suction Cover GCD450
192 Guide Hook GC200
193 Guide Support GC200
194 Guide Pipe -
195 Duck Foot GCD450
230 Impeller SSC13
241 Cutter DIN1,4112
244 Cutter Plate DIN1,4112
321-1 Bearing(Upper) STB2
321-2 Bearing(Lower) STB2
341 Motor Frame GC200
421 Oil Seal N.B.R
431 Stuffing Box GC200
433 Mechanical Seal SIC/CARBON
812 Motor Bracket GC200
818 Rotor Fnishing Prodoct
819 Motor Shaft STS410
824 Cap-type Cable RNCT
885 Chain -
900 Bolt STS304


| 선정도


Outline Drawing


Model A B C D E F
GSG 0.75T 464 254 265 157 454 129
GSG 1.5T 464 254 265 157 454 129
GSG 2.2T 440 250 195 225 485 160
GSG 3.7T 500 280 250 260 615 190
GSG 5.5T 500 280 250 260 630 190
GSG 7.5T 640 410 330 315 820 240
GSG 11.0T 640 410 330 315 890 240
GSG 15.0T 640 410 330 315 890 240
GSG 22.0T 640 410 330 315 900 240


* FOOTNOTES : All dimensions given in millimeters / Dimension.