Submersible Sprut Pump(GSU) > For underwater applications

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Submersible Sprut Pump(GSU)

- For wastewater transfer in slaughter houses
- For raw water transfer of sewage disposal tank
- For transfer of night soil, pulp and solids
- For wastewater transfer in hospitals, hotels, and restaurants
- For drain in other w astewater/sewage disposal plants

Detailed Description

Design & Structure Feature

- It is optimized to design & manufacture for Non damaged sludge & pumping transfer.
- Impeller as Non Clog structure with a big inner size for suction bore can be possible to transfer a big size of sludge
- Sludge from existiong relay station or manhole pumping station which was impossible to transfer can be transferred.
- Easy maintenance by seperation of casing.

Standard Specification

Total Head
GSU 50A 0.75T
50 0.75 10 0.1
GSU 50A 1.5T
50 1.5 7 0.35
GSU 80A 2.2T 80 2.2 8 0.5
GSU 100A 3.75T 100 3.75 13 0.7
GSU 100A 5.5T 100 5.5 15 1.0
GSU 150A 7.5T 150 7.5 19 1.2
GSU 150A 11T 150 11 15 2
GSU 150A 15T 150 15 20 2

Sectional Drawing / Selection Chart


Part No. Part NameStandard Material Q'ty
Volute Casing A48-CL35 GC250 1
160 Cover A276-304 STS304 1
161 Casing Cover A48-CL35 GC250 1
162 Suction Cover A48-CL35 GC250 1
185 Bearing Cover A276-304 STS304 1
210 Shaft A276-410 STS410 1
230 Impeller A743-CF8 SSC13 1
321-1 Ball Bearing A295-52100 STB2 2
321-2 Ball Bearing A295-52100 STB2 1
339 Motor Bracket A48-CL35 GC250 1
341 Motor Frame A48-CL35 GC250 1
350 Bearing Housing A48-CL35 GC250 1
412-1 O-Ring NBR NBR 1
412-2 O-Ring NBR NBR 1
412-3 O-Ring NBR NBR 2
421 Oil Seal NBR NBR 1
433 Mechanical Seal MIXED MIXED 1
451 Stuffing Box A48-CL35 GC250 1
461 Grand Packing NBR NBR 1
800 Motor MIXED MIXED 1
825 Cable Grand NBR NBR 1
827 Cable Grand BRASS BRASS 1
829 Cable Grand Ring B584-C83600 CAC406 1
878 Cab Type Cable RNCT RNCT 1
879 Sensor Cable RNCT RNCT 1
885 Chain A276-304 STS304 1
901-1 Hexagon Head Bolt A276-304 STS304 9
901-2 Hexagon Head Bolt A276-304 STS304 9
901-3 Hexagon Head Bolt A276-304 STS304 4
901-4 Hexagon Head Bolt A276-304 STS304 3
903-1 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Bolt A276-304 STS304 4
903-2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Bolt A276-304 STS304 4
910 Eye Bolt A276-304 STS304 2
916 Plug A686 TYPE W1 Gr.C SK 5M 2
934 Snap Ring A276-304 STS304 2
936 Plain Washer A276-304 STS304 3
937-1 Spring Lock Washer A276-304 STS304 4
937-2 Spring Lock Washer A276-304 STS304 3
937-3 Spring Lock Washer A276-304 STS304 9
937-4 Spring Lock Washer A276-304 STS304 13
940 Key A276-304 STS304 1
947 Pan Head Screw A276-304 STS304 3
970 Name Plate A276-304 STS304 1

Outline Drawing


Model Pump and Baseplate
GSU 50A 0.75T
50 233 210 498 350 426 230
GSU 50A 1.5T
50 288 244 530 428 506 280
GSU 80A 2.2T 80 390 308 676 585 657 350
GSU 100A 3.75T 100 389 305 680 585 670 350
GSU 100A 5.5T 100 423 308 795 633 738 418
GSU 150A 7.5T 150 423 350 795 684 824 418
GSU 150A 11T 150 522 393 1013 777 917 508
GSU 150A 15T 150 522 393 1013 777 917 508

* FOOTNOTES : All dimensions given in millimeters.