SUBMERSIBLE AERATOR(GSR) > For underwater applications

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- For aeration treatment of city sewage, industrial wastewater and night soil
- For aeration in lake, reservoir and fish farm
- For sewage disposal tank aeration of filthy water in apartments, buildings and industrial plants
Detailed Description

Design & Structure Feature

- Effective oxygen dissolution by self-suction type air suction
- Powerful stirring & mixing and simply designed structure to maximize minute bubble generating effect
- Durability increased by quadrupolar induction motor and directly coupled shaft

Standard Specification

Model Bore



Air Flow Rate
Oxygen Supply Capacity
Main Convection
Sub Convection
GSR 2.2T 50 2.2 3 36 1.8~2.8 2.5 5.0
GSR 3.7T 3.7 60 3.5~5.0 3.0 6.0
GSR 5.5T 80 5.5 90 5.5~7.7 3.5 7.0
GSR 7.5T 7.5 125 8.2~11.3 4.5 9.0
GSR 11.0T 11 200 13.0~18.0 5.0 10.0
GSR 15.0T 100 15 260 17.0~23.0 5.5 11.0
GSR 19.0T 19 330 20.0~27.0 6.0 12.0
GSR 22.0T 22 400 24.0~36.0 6.0 12.0

Sectional Drawing / Selection Chart


Outline Drawing

Part No.Part NameStandard Material
110 Air Casing GC200
117 Stator -
162 Suction Cover GC200
181 Pump Stool GC200
186 Screwed Flange GC200
196 Guide Vane GC200
197 Guide Vane Cover GC200
230 Impeller SSC13
321-1 Bearing(Upper) STB2
321-1 Bearing(Lower) STB2
341 Motor Frame GC200
421 Oil Seal N.B.R
431 Stuffing Box GC200
433 Mechanical Seal SIC / CARBON
812 Motor Bracket GC200
818 Rotor -
819 Motor Shaft STS410
824 Cap-type Cable RNCT
885 Chain SS400
910 Eye Bolt SS400
924 Adjusting Nut SS400


| 외형 치수도



ModelABCDEF Weight
GSR 2.2T 705 270 165 680 70 695 190
GSR 3.7T 705 270 165 680 70 715 210
GSR 5.5T 705 270 165 680 70 808 245
GSR 7.5T 705 270 184 680 70 834 260
GSR 11.0T 705 270 184 680 70 937 311
GSR 15.0T 705 270 184 680 70 937 325
GSR 19.0T 1000 385 256 330 70 1158 600
GSR 22.0T 1000 385 256 330 70 1158 650